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Igniting a healthcare renaissance with the power of artificial intelligence in elderly care

Conceptual art copyrighted to HiEquity.ai

In the face of a rapidly aging global population, the need for innovative healthcare solutions is more pressing than ever. According to the World Health Organization, by 2050, the proportion of people aged 60 years and older is expected to nearly double, with the majority residing in low- and middle-income countries. This demographic shift brings a rise in age-related health conditions such as hearing loss, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and dementia, which often occur concurrently, exacerbating the complexity of care. Consequently, healthcare spending, particularly for programs like Medicare in the U.S., is projected to soar, further strained by the escalating costs associated with conditions like obesity.

Amidst these challenges, Tucuvi, a Madrid-based startup founded in 2019 by Marcos Rubio and Maria Gonzalez Manso, emerges as a beacon of innovation. The company focuses on leveraging artificial intelligence to revolutionize elderly care. Their AI voice-based medical assistant is designed to enhance the capabilities of healthcare professionals by automating clinical phone conversations. This approach not only aims to streamline the healthcare process but also ensures personalized, continuous care for the elderly, addressing a critical need in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.

Pain point addressed

Tucuvi, a healthcare-focused startup, addresses critical pain points in elderly care with its AI-driven solutions. Firstly, it automates repetitive tasks in healthcare settings, enhancing care team efficiency and allowing professionals to focus on more critical tasks. Secondly, the platform facilitates early intervention in patient care, significantly reducing the chances of relapses. Additionally, Tucuvi’s system offers customizable, evidence-based clinical protocols tailored to individual patient needs, whether for chronic or acute care. Moreover, it is applicable in various clinical scenarios, including post-discharge and post-surgery care, infection management, and COPD treatment. Finally, Tucuvi’s technology integrates seamlessly with existing medical records and telemedicine platforms, adhering to all necessary security protocols, and demonstrating its commitment to improving healthcare delivery through innovative AI applications.

Type of solution

Tucuvi offers a cutting-edge digital solution through its AI-powered virtual care platform, predominantly based on sophisticated software. This platform harnesses the capabilities of artificial intelligence and natural language processing to transform the landscape of healthcare communication. It is specifically designed to automate clinical phone conversations, a task traditionally requiring significant human labor and time. This automation not only streamlines the communication process but also ensures accuracy and consistency in patient interactions. Furthermore, Tucuvi’s system seamlessly integrates with existing healthcare infrastructure, such as medical records and telemedicine platforms, enhancing its utility and ease of adoption in various healthcare settings. This integration plays a crucial role in ensuring that the platform complements and enhances existing healthcare services rather than replacing or disrupting them.

Source: https://www.tucuvi.com/platform

Type of input data leveraged

  • Voice data: Utilizes clinically validated voice conversational AI for processing patient interaction data.
  • Clinical data: Employs evidence-based, flexible clinical protocols, including monitoring parameters, symptoms, and customized alerts for different pathologies.
  • Patient health records: Integrates with existing medical records and telemedicine platforms, using patient health data to inform AI interactions.
  • Specific health condition data: Tailored to support various scenarios like post-discharge, post-surgery, infection management, and chronic conditions such as COPD, indicating specialization in handling data related to specific health issues.

Key technology leveraged

  • Conversational AI: At the core of Tucuvi’s system is advanced conversational AI, utilizing voice recognition and natural language processing (NLP). This technology interprets and responds to spoken language, allowing for empathetic and context-aware interactions with patients. It is instrumental in automating routine medical phone conversations, thus facilitating more efficient patient engagement.
  • Machine learning and deep learning: These AI subsets enable the platform to analyze vast datasets, learn from interactions, and adapt over time. By applying these technologies, Tucuvi’s system can personalize communication based on individual patient histories and specific clinical situations, ensuring that each patient receives the most appropriate care advice and support.
  • Integration technologies: To function effectively within the existing healthcare framework, Tucuvi’s platform integrates seamlessly with current medical records and telemedicine systems. This integration is crucial for ensuring that the AI system has access to relevant patient data, allowing for informed and accurate patient communication and care planning.

Key applications of solution

  • Evidence-based clinical protocols and alerts: Tucuvi offers flexible clinical protocols that are tailored to individual patients, ensuring more precise and effective care. These protocols provide healthcare professionals with intelligent insights, enabling them to reach out to patients at optimal times for better health outcomes.
  • Chronic care management: Focusing on managing chronic conditions, Tucuvi’s solution automates follow-up care and anticipates exacerbations. This approach addresses a significant portion of health system expenditures and streamlines telephone-based clinical communications for regular patient monitoring.
  • Acute care post-healthcare facility visit: The platform supports device-free patient monitoring after visiting a healthcare facility, aiming to prevent post-discharge complications. It offers cost-efficient care delivery by automating telephone follow-ups, ensuring effective short-term patient monitoring.
  • Accessible and high-quality healthcare: Tucuvi prioritizes providing healthcare that is both accessible and of high quality, centered on patient needs. This approach ensures that healthcare delivery is patient-focused, enhancing the overall quality of care provided.

Implications for key stakeholders

  • Patients: This is especially beneficial for elderly patients or those with chronic conditions who require regular monitoring and communication. For instance, a patient with COPD can receive timely and personalized follow-ups, ensuring better disease management and potentially reducing hospital readmissions.
  • Healthcare professionals (HCPs): Tucuvi’s automation of routine tasks allows HCPs to focus on more complex cases. For example, a nurse in a chronic care facility can allocate more time to patients with acute needs as routine follow-up calls are handled by the AI system.
  • Healthcare systems: By streamlining communication and monitoring processes, Tucuvi’s solution can lead to cost savings and enhanced efficiency. For instance, a healthcare facility focusing on post-surgery care can reduce the burden on its staff and resources through automated patient follow-ups, improving overall healthcare delivery.
  • Insurance providers: With improved patient management and early intervention capabilities, Tucuvi can help reduce the incidence of costly medical interventions and hospitalizations, thereby lowering overall healthcare costs.
  • Regulatory bodies: The platform’s integration with existing healthcare systems requires adherence to various healthcare regulations and standards. This necessitates ongoing collaboration with regulatory bodies to ensure compliance, particularly in data protection and patient privacy. As Tucuvi introduces new ways of patient care through AI, regulatory bodies are tasked with evaluating and guiding these innovations. They should ensure that such advancements align with healthcare policies and patient safety standards.

Current impact

  • Improving healthcare delivery: Tucuvi has developed evidence-based AI medical software aimed at making healthcare delivery more efficient and effective. This impact is evident in the adoption of their technology by healthcare partners to enhance patient outcomes and optimize care.
  • COVID-19 patient monitoring: The platform was used for telephone monitoring of COVID-19 patients following discharge, demonstrating its utility in managing patient care during the pandemic.
  • Hospital-at-home care during COVID-19: Tucuvi played a crucial role in the follow-up of hospital-at-home patients, particularly during the peak of the COVID-19 crisis. This application underscores its effectiveness for remote patient monitoring and care continuity in challenging times.
  • Scaling hospital-at-home units: The platform has been instrumental in efficiently scaling hospital-at-home units through automated phone calls. This application highlights Tucuvi’s role in expanding healthcare services outside traditional settings.
  • Chronic patient follow-up: Tucuvi was successfully utilized in a pilot case for automated telephone follow-up of chronic patients, showcasing its effectiveness in managing long-term health conditions.
  • Chronic COPD patient management: The platform has been specifically used for the follow-up of chronic COPD patients, offering personalized and continuous care through the virtual medical assistant, LOLA.

Potential future impact

The potential future impact of Tucuvi’s AI-driven healthcare solutions could be significant. Some of these include:

  • Wider adoption in healthcare systems: As more healthcare providers recognize the benefits of AI in patient care, Tucuvi could see expanded use in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and home care services.
  • Enhanced patient outcomes: With its focus on personalized and proactive care, Tucuvi has the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes, particularly for chronic and elderly patients.
  • Cost reduction in healthcare: By automating routine tasks and improving care efficiency, Tucuvi could contribute to significant cost savings in healthcare systems globally.
  • Innovation in telemedicine: Tucuvi’s technology could spearhead advancements in telemedicine, providing more accessible and convenient care options for patients, especially in remote or underserved areas.
  • Data-driven healthcare insights: The AI platform’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data could provide valuable insights for healthcare research and policy-making, leading to improved healthcare strategies and treatments.

Business model

it’s plausible that Tucuvi employs a combination of different business models:

  • B2B (Business-to-Business): Tucuvi partners with healthcare providers, hospitals, and clinics to integrate its AI solutions into their systems. This model allows Tucuvi to leverage the existing networks and customer bases of these institutions.
  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer): Tucuvi also offers its solutions directly to patients, especially for remote monitoring and management of chronic conditions.

Advantages of these business models may include:

  • B2B: Access to a larger patient base through partnerships with established healthcare entities; opportunities for collaboration and innovation within the healthcare sector.
  • B2C: Direct engagement with patients, allowing for more personalized care and feedback; potential for wider market reach, especially in telemedicine and home care services.

Funding and key investors

Tucuvi has secured €3.9 million through five funding rounds, with its most recent funds raised on October 16, 2022, in a grant round. The key investors of Tucuvi include The European Innovation Council, Shilling, The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), TheVentureCity, La Bolsa Social, and Fondo Bolsa Social.

Competitive differentiator

Tucuvi’s competitive differentiator lies in its specialized approach to automating healthcare communication through empathic AI. Unlike many AI healthcare solutions that focus broadly on data analysis or diagnostic assistance, Tucuvi zeroes in on the nuanced aspects of patient communication and follow-up. This focus on enhancing and personalizing the patient follow-up experience, especially for chronic and post-discharge care, sets Tucuvi apart in the healthcare AI landscape. By prioritizing empathetic interaction through AI, Tucuvi addresses a critical yet often overlooked aspect of patient care: effective and continuous communication, which is key in managing long-term health conditions.

Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements

For a solution like Tucuvi’s AI-driven healthcare platform, maintaining compliance with relevant regulatory and legal requirements is crucial. Key areas of compliance would likely include:

  • Data protection and privacy laws: Adherence to regulations like GDPR in Europe for handling patient data securely and ensuring privacy.
  • Medical device regulations: Compliance with relevant healthcare standards and certifications, such as CE marking in Europe, which indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area.
  • Healthcare-specific regulations: Adhering to local healthcare regulations and guidelines, which may include standards for telemedicine and remote patient monitoring.
  • AI ethics and standards: Ensuring that the AI system operates within ethical guidelines and standards, particularly regarding decision-making processes and patient interactions.

Partnerships and collaborations

Tucuvi has established strategic partnerships to enhance its healthcare delivery, including:

  • Partnership with Cera: Tucuvi partnered with Cera, Europe’s largest provider of digital-first home healthcare, to implement their AI assistant, Lola, for remote user monitoring through telephone conversations in the UK. This collaboration aims to drive efficiencies in care delivery, potentially reducing the need for in-person visits and allowing carers to focus on more complex and urgent visits. The partnership is expected to improve users’ well-being and health outcomes, potentially reducing hospitalization rates, emergency department visits, and readmissions to hospitals. It began with a focus on identifying symptoms of flu and COVID-19, as well as monitoring health deterioration in chronic patients.


My pain level got worse, so Lola did her job because she reported that to the palliative clinic and therefore I did get a call from the nurse… They are keeping up to date with my condition. It makes me feel that I’m being thought of, I’m being remembered in my home.” Patient

“In my situation, it gives me a lot of confidence to know that there is a team looking after me all the time. I feel calmer talking to Lola every week, and she treats me in such a close way that I feel less alone.” Patient

Areas for continuous improvement

  • Expanding language support: Enhancing the AI system to support a wider range of languages and dialects could significantly broaden the accessibility of the service. This expansion is crucial for catering to diverse populations, especially in areas with high linguistic diversity.
  • Incorporating more disease profiles: Extending the range of diseases and conditions the AI system could manage would make the service more versatile and beneficial to a broader patient demographic. This includes tailoring protocols and responses for less common or more complex health conditions.




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Hiequity Team

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