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Combining cutting-edge hardware and software for medical miracles

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In the dynamic and evolving field of biotechnology, Pandorum Technologies, established in 2011 by Arun Chandru and Tuhin Bhowmick, emerges as a pioneering force in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. This Bengaluru-based company is at the forefront of addressing complex and pressing global health challenges, transcending beyond the immediate burden of specific ailments to encompass broader aspects of healthcare economics and regional disparities.

As reported by the World Health Organization, the widespread prevalence of chronic kidney disease, which impacts more than 850 million people globally and is a primary cause of organ failure, underscores the critical necessity for the innovative therapeutic methods developed by Pandorum Technologies. Such advancements are not just a medical necessity but also a response to the varying disease burdens across different regions, influenced by healthcare access, environmental factors, and genetic predispositions. For instance, the higher incidence of liver diseases in areas with prevalent alcohol consumption or hepatitis infections highlights the need for solutions like liver transplants.

The significance of this sector is underscored by its staggering financial implications. The global market for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine is projected to reach billions, propelled by growing demand and continuous advancements in biotechnological research. The financial burden is pronounced in countries like the United States, where the costs associated with organ transplantation alone run into several billions annually, excluding indirect expenses such as reduced productivity and long-term healthcare requirements.

Pandorum Technologies, by focusing on the development of three-dimensional functional human tissues, not only contributes significantly to medical science but also addresses vital health and economic issues globally. Their innovative work in Bengaluru, a hub for technological advancement, positions them as key players in reshaping healthcare solutions and improving life quality worldwide.

Pain point addressed

Pandorum Technologies specializes in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, applying biological and engineering principles to develop therapeutic products. Targeting conditions like corneal dystrophies, lung disorders, and liver diseases, their work is poised to significantly improve patient health.

The company excels at using stem cell-derived exosomes, priming them to transport therapeutic agents. They have also mastered the creation of 3D functional tissues, combining cells, gels, and cell modulators. Techniques like self-assembly, 3D printing, and other methods are employed to build tissues with precise micro-architectures. Their proprietary technology is focused on crafting bio-engineered corneas and livers for both medical research and therapeutic use. Expanding into cell-free therapy, Pandorum is exploring new frontiers in tissue repair and regeneration.

Type of solution

Pandorum Technologies exemplifies innovation in biotechnology through its hybrid solution that artfully blends hardware and software components. At the core of their approach lies the sophisticated hardware technology of bioprinting, a process that meticulously crafts three-dimensional tissues. This cutting-edge technique is not just about creating physical models; it’s about forging living, functional tissues that can mimic natural organs in structure and function.

Complementing this hardware is a suite of software tools, intricately woven into the fabric of their operations. This software plays a pivotal role in the research phase, facilitating the intricate design of tissues and enabling detailed analysis. It’s a digital architect that guides the hardware in the precise construction of biological structures.

The convergence of hardware and software in Pandorum Technologies’ approach is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary synergy. The hardware brings the tangible aspect of tissue engineering to life, while the software ensures accuracy, optimization, and innovation in the design and development process. This harmonious integration results in the production of bioengineered tissues that are not only advanced in their complexity but also precise and efficient in their creation.

Type of input data leveraged

  • Medical imaging data, such as MRI and CT scans, for anatomical reference.
  • Cellular and molecular profiles to ensure tissue compatibility and functionality.
  • Biomechanical specifications to ensure the structural and functional integrity of engineered tissues.
  • Biochemical markers relevant to specific organ functionalities.
  • Patient demographic data (age, gender, etc.) for personalized tissue engineering.
  • Histopathological data for accurate replication of tissue characteristics.
  • Clinical history to tailor tissues to individual medical needs.
  • Research and academic data for cutting-edge innovation and development.
  • Regulatory and compliance data to adhere to medical standards and practices.
Source: https://pandorum.com/company-overview/

Key technology involved

  • 3D bioprinting: This technology forms the cornerstone of Pandorum’s approach. Using specialized bioinks, they construct three-dimensional tissues layer by layer. The bioprinting process allows for precise control over the architecture of the tissues, ensuring they closely mimic natural organ structures.
  • Tissue engineering: This involves developing functional biological tissues in a controlled environment. Pandorum’s techniques combine cells, scaffolding materials, and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to cultivate tissues that can repair or replace damaged organs.
  • Stem cell technology: Stem cells’ ability to differentiate into various cell types is pivotal. Pandorum harnesses this property to generate specific types of cells needed for tissue construction, thereby creating tissues that can perform specific organ functions.
  • Biomaterials science: The selection and use of biocompatible materials are crucial for tissue creation. These materials provide the scaffolding that supports cell growth and organization, ensuring the engineered tissues are compatible with the human body.
  • Computational modeling: This involves using software tools to design and simulate tissue structures and functions. Through computational modeling, Pandorum can predict how tissues will behave and interact with existing biological systems, optimizing their design before actual production.
  • Machine learning: By analyzing large datasets, including clinical and biological data, machine learning algorithms help optimize various aspects of tissue engineering, from material selection to structural design, enhancing the efficacy and safety of the tissues.

Key applications of solution

Pandorum Technologies’ cutting-edge solutions in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have numerous key applications, each showcasing the firm’s innovative capabilities:

Diagnostic assistance

  • Disease modeling: Creating accurate models of human tissues for studying disease mechanisms, particularly in liver, lung, and corneal diseases.
  • Biomarker identification: Using engineered tissues to identify specific biomarkers, aiding in early and precise diagnosis.

Treatment planning

  • Customized transplant solutions: Designing patient-specific tissues for transplants, tailored to individual needs and conditions.
  • Therapeutic strategy development: Assisting clinicians in formulating effective treatment strategies based on the unique characteristics of the bio-engineered tissues.

Patient monitoring

  • Post-transplant recovery tracking: Monitoring the integration and function of transplanted tissues in patients.
  • Long-term disease management: Using tissue models to observe the long-term effects of treatments and adapt strategies accordingly.

Drug discovery

  • High-throughput screening: Utilizing tissue models for efficient screening of potential drug candidates.
  • Toxicity and efficacy testing: Testing drugs on bio-engineered tissues to assess safety and effectiveness before clinical trials.

Administrative tasks

  • Streamlined patient care coordination: Enhancing communication and coordination between different healthcare services.
  • Data management and analysis: Leveraging patient and research data to improve healthcare delivery and administrative efficiency.

Personalized care

  • Genetic profiling for custom tissues: Creating tissues that are genetically matched to patients, minimizing rejection risks.
  • Tailored therapeutic approaches: Developing treatment plans based on individual patient profiles and specific tissue characteristics.

Implications for key stakeholders


  • Beyond the direct health benefits, patients gain psychological relief from the reduced uncertainty and wait times associated with organ transplants. For instance, a patient suffering from liver failure might experience less anxiety and a more positive outlook knowing that a bio-engineered liver is available without the prolonged and uncertain wait for a donor.

Healthcare providers

  • Healthcare providers could see a shift in their roles from managing chronic conditions to focusing more on preventive and personalized care. With the availability of bio-engineered tissues, a surgeon specializing in liver transplants, for example, could allocate more time to proactive patient care and less to manage complications arising from long waiting periods.


  • The introduction of bio-engineered tissues could lead to changes in insurance policies and coverage, possibly reducing the long-term costs associated with chronic disease treatments. An insurance company might adjust its policies to cover bio-engineered organ transplants, recognizing their cost-effectiveness over traditional treatments.

Regulatory bodies

  • Regulatory agencies would need to adapt their frameworks to accommodate the novel challenges presented by bio-engineered tissues. For instance, a regulatory body might develop new guidelines and protocols specifically for the approval and monitoring of bio-engineered organ transplants.

Current impact

  • First in India for 3D-printed liver tissues: Pandorum is recognized for pioneering the design and 3D printing of human liver tissues for medical research in India.
  • Bio-engineered human corneas: They are developing implantable bio-engineered corneas, aiming to treat corneal dystrophies.
  • Functional human tissues: The company’s focus includes developing bio-engineered corneas and livers for medical research and therapeutic applications.
  • Cell-free therapy expansion: Pandorum is advancing into cell-free therapy for tissue repair and regeneration, broadening its impact in healthcare solutions.
  • Global collaborations: With R&D labs in Bangalore, India, and partnerships like the Medical University of South Carolina in the USA, Pandorum is expanding its global reach and influence.
  • Commitment to translational science: The company emphasizes its dedication to transforming scientific research into practical health solutions, impacting human health positively.
  • Innovation and growth since 2011: Founded as a biotech startup in 2011, Pandorum has shown consistent growth and innovation in the field of biotechnology.

Potential future impact

  • Pandorum Technologies’ potential future impact could be significantly enhanced through its recent partnership with Wipro Limited. This collaboration aims to accelerate the development of regenerative medicine using artificial intelligence. The focus is initially on developing a ‘bio-engineered liquid cornea’ and will expand to include lung and liver regenerative tissues. The partnership leverages Wipro Holmes’ AI capabilities to improve the efficacy of therapeutics and aid in clinical study design, promising faster development of advanced treatments and improved patient outcomes. Given Pandorum’s existing expertise in tissue engineering, this partnership could greatly amplify their impact in regenerative medicine, potentially leading to more efficient and effective solutions for various medical conditions.
  • As Pandorum Technologies is already advancing in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, they could consider extending their reach into other areas of regenerative therapies, exploring treatments for a broader range of diseases and conditions. The integration of AI in their processes opens up new possibilities for innovation and effectiveness in their existing and future product lines.

Business model

Pandorum Technologies operates primarily with a B2B (Business-to-Business) model, focusing on collaborations and partnerships with other businesses and research entities in the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. One key aspect of their revenue stream comes from licensing their technologies and products.

Advantages: This business model allows Pandorum to leverage their specialized expertise and advanced technologies while partnering with larger entities for broader application and distribution of their products, such as their ‘Liquid Cornea’ for restoring vision. This approach provides them with the flexibility to focus on innovation and research while also tapping into the larger market reach and resources of their partners.

Funding and key investors

Pandorum Technologies, specializing in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, has successfully raised a total of $14 million through three funding rounds. The most recent financial boost for the company came from a Series B funding round on October 20, 2021. This substantial investment underscores the confidence of investors in Pandorum’s innovative approach and potential for growth in the biotechnology sector.

Key investors include Sunil Kant Munjal, IAN Fund, Kotak Investment Advisors, Karnataka Trustee Company, Capital Trust, BTB Venture, 021 Capital, and Karnataka Information Technology Venture Capital Fund. The most recent Series B round saw active participation from lead investors like Sunil Kant Munjal, Capital Trust, and BTB Venture, demonstrating strong investor confidence in Pandorum’s innovative approach and future potential in biotechnology.

Competitive differentiator

Pandorum Technologies stands out in the biotech industry with several distinct competitive advantages:

  • Innovative liquid cornea development: Their unique focus on developing bio-engineered liquid corneas addresses a critical need in ophthalmology, particularly in treating corneal blindness.
  • Enhanced scalability and accessibility: Their approach offers a scalable and more accessible solution compared to traditional corneal transplants that depend on donors.
  • Focused expertise in regenerative ophthalmology: Concentrating on regenerative ophthalmology, a relatively less explored area, gives them a unique position in the biotechnology market.
  • Pioneering tissue engineering techniques: Their groundbreaking work in tissue engineering, especially in areas not widely addressed by other companies, distinguishes them from competitors.

Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements

For solutions like those offered by Pandorum Technologies, maintaining compliance with relevant regulatory bodies is crucial. This includes:

  • FDA regulations (U.S. Food and Drug Administration): For the approval and monitoring of bioengineered tissues and medical devices.
  • EMA guidelines (European Medicines Agency): If operating in European markets, adherence to EMA standards is necessary.
  • ICMR guidelines (Indian Council of Medical Research): Compliance with local regulatory standards in India for medical research and clinical trials.

Partnerships and collaborations

Pandorum Technologies collaborates with various institutions for accelerated clinical translation. They are partnering with MUSC’s TRII for a clinical study targeting COVID-19-induced ARDS using umbilical cord-derived “Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy.” This study aims to create an FDA-approved cell bank for Pandorum’s development of advanced cell-derived exosome therapeutics. Dr. Satish N. Nadig leads this collaboration and serves as Pandorum US’s Chief Medical Advisor. Additionally, Pandorum collaborates with Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital for corneal translational projects and conducts animal studies at Dabur Research Foundation, a renowned contract research organization in India.

Areas for continuous improvements

  • Pandorum Technologies could further enhance its offerings by focusing on increasing the accessibility and affordability of its bio-engineered solutions. This could involve optimizing manufacturing processes to reduce costs, making their therapies more accessible to a broader population. Additionally, they could invest in research to expand their portfolio to address a wider range of diseases and conditions, potentially improving healthcare outcomes for a larger patient population.



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