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A glimpse into the future, promoting radiological excellence in the age of AI

Conceptual art copyrighted to HiEquity.ai

At the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare through advanced imaging technology stands AI Metrics, a company that epitomizes innovation in the modern healthcare sector. Established on September 6, 2019, and headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, United States, AI Metrics has embarked on a mission to transform radiological imaging, a critical component in diagnosing and managing a wide range of health conditions. This pioneering company, founded by Andrew Smith, MD, Ph.D., Bob Jacobus, and Paige Severino, is set to redefine the way radiologists utilize imaging technology in healthcare.

Radiological imaging, which includes a range of technologies such as MRI, CT scans, and X-rays, plays an indispensable role in the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of various medical conditions, including cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. The global burden of these diseases, often assessed through metrics like Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALY), underscores the crucial role of imaging in managing health conditions that significantly impact global health.

Despite the critical need for radiological imaging, there is a pronounced disparity in its availability and application across different regions. While developed countries enjoy a high rate of imaging procedures, facilitated by advanced healthcare systems, developing regions are hampered by limited access, despite a high burden of diseases that necessitate such imaging. The economic aspects are equally compelling; the global market for medical imaging, encompassing equipment, maintenance, and analytical software, runs into billions of dollars, highlighting the sector’s financial significance and the challenges of ensuring equitable access across different economic landscapes.

AI Metrics stands as a critical player in this evolving landscape, leveraging advanced AI algorithms to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of radiological imaging. Their cutting-edge technology has the potential to revolutionize disease management and patient outcomes on a global scale. By improving healthcare delivery and reducing economic burdens, AI Metrics aims to decrease the rate of misdiagnoses and streamline imaging processes. Their commitment to precision and efficiency holds the promise of reducing healthcare costs and democratizing access to top-tier imaging services worldwide, bridging the gap between developed and developing regions.

Pain point addressed

AI Metrics addresses a crucial pain point in healthcare: the inefficiency and inaccuracy of radiological image analysis, particularly in diagnostic radiology. This issue leads to diagnostic delays, misdiagnoses, and radiologist burnout due to the increasing volume of imaging exams and a shortage of trained professionals. The company’s focus is on the diagnostic phase of the patient care continuum, particularly in high-demand regions like the United States. The primary stakeholders impacted include radiologists, who benefit from AI-enhanced image interpretation for quicker, more accurate diagnoses; patients, who receive timely and precise diagnoses leading to better treatment outcomes; healthcare providers and institutions, which experience improved efficiency and patient throughput; and insurers, who see more accurate diagnoses leading to cost-effective treatments. AI Metrics’ innovative approach aims to transform the efficiency and accuracy of radiological imaging, significantly impacting various aspects of the healthcare system.

Type of solution

The central offering of AI Metrics is its advanced software, a product of cutting-edge technology in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). This software stands out for its ability to meticulously analyze radiological images, a task traditionally reliant on the expertise of trained radiologists. By implementing sophisticated AI algorithms, the software interprets complex imaging data, translating it into actionable insights with a high degree of precision.

One of the key strengths of AI Metrics’ software lies in its seamless integration capability. It is designed to dovetail with existing radiological imaging systems, such as MRI, CT scanners, and X-ray machines. This integration ensures that healthcare providers can enhance their current technology without the need for extensive hardware overhauls, making the transition to AI-assisted diagnostics both cost-effective and efficient.

The software employs deep learning techniques to identify patterns and anomalies in imaging data that might be subtle or complex for human eyes. This leads to more comprehensive and nuanced interpretations of radiological images. Human error is an inherent risk in manual image analysis. AI Metrics’ AI-driven approach minimizes these errors, providing a more reliable and consistent diagnostic tool. By reducing misdiagnoses and overlooked conditions, the software significantly improves patient outcomes. The accuracy of diagnoses is substantially heightened by the software’s ability to process and analyze large volumes of imaging data quickly and accurately. This increased diagnostic accuracy is crucial for early detection and effective treatment planning, especially in critical and time-sensitive medical situations.

Source: https://www.aimetrics.com/

Type of input data leveraged

  • Radiological images: The core input consists of digital images from various modalities, such as MRI, CT scans, X-rays, and ultrasound images. These images provide the visual data necessary for analysis.
  • Patient demographics: Non-sensitive demographic information such as age and biological sex, can be critical in interpreting radiological findings.
  • Clinical history: General medical history information that provides context to the radiological images, such as previous medical conditions, surgeries, or injuries relevant to the current examination.
  • Imaging parameters: Technical details of the imaging process, including the type of machine used, settings, and techniques. This data helps in understanding the quality and specifics of the images.
  • Annotated data: Previous cases where radiologists have provided annotations or interpretations. This data can be used to train the AI algorithms to recognize patterns and abnormalities.
  • Radiology reports: Past radiology reports provide insights into the interpretation of similar cases, aiding the AI in learning diagnostic patterns.

Key technology involved

  • Machine learning/Deep learning: At the core of AI Metrics’ technology are machine learning and deep learning algorithms. These algorithms undergo training on extensive datasets comprising various radiological images, such as MRIs, CT scans, and X-rays. The training enables these algorithms to identify and learn from patterns and anomalies that are indicative of different medical conditions. With each new case they analyze, the algorithms refine their pattern recognition capabilities, continuously improving diagnostic accuracy. This iterative learning process ensures that the software becomes more proficient over time, adapting to new challenges and complexities in radiological imaging.
  • Computer vision: This subset of AI is crucial for interpreting the visual content of radiological images. Computer vision algorithms delve into the pixel-level details of images, analyzing and understanding the visual nuances that may indicate health issues. These algorithms are adept at identifying structures within the body, spotting abnormalities, and monitoring changes across successive scans. This detailed and precise analysis is essential for accurate diagnoses, as it can reveal subtle indicators of disease that may not be easily noticeable.
  • Natural language processing (NLP): NLP tools are employed to process and interpret the textual data that accompanies radiological images. This includes notes from radiologists, clinical history, and other relevant textual information. By analyzing this text, NLP helps contextualize the findings from the images, providing a more holistic view of the patient’s condition. It ensures that the conclusions drawn from the imaging data are aligned with and supported by the patient’s medical history and other relevant information, leading to a more comprehensive and accurate diagnosis.
  • Data analytics: AI Metrics utilizes data analytics to process large volumes of imaging data efficiently. This involves analyzing the data to detect trends, correlations, and patterns that are crucial for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment planning. Data analytics helps in drawing meaningful insights from the imaging data, which can guide healthcare professionals in making informed decisions about patient care.

Key application of solution

  • Diagnostic assistance: AI Metrics plays a pivotal role. The software’s capability to detect early signs of diseases like cancer, cardiovascular conditions, and neurological disorders through subtle pattern recognition is a game-changer. It can identify minute abnormalities that might be missed during manual reviews, significantly speeding up the diagnostic process. Furthermore, the software enhances image quality by reducing noise and optimizing contrast, thus providing radiologists with clearer, more detailed images for accurate diagnosis.
  • Treatment planning is another critical area where AI Metrics makes a substantial impact. The software aids in developing personalized treatment plans by providing detailed analyses of tumors and helping in radiation therapy planning. It supports surgical planning too, by converting 2D images into 3D models, offering surgeons a comprehensive preoperative visualization tool.
  • Patient monitoring is enhanced as the software enables effective progress tracking of medical conditions over time. It assesses patient responses to treatments, is especially valuable in monitoring tumor reactions to therapies, and plays a crucial role in postoperative care by evaluating recovery and spotting complications.

Implications for key stakeholders

  • Radiologists

The introduction of AI-assisted imaging analysis significantly alters the workflow of radiologists. For example, consider a case where a radiologist is reviewing a complex brain MRI. Traditionally, this task would require extensive time and attention to detail, with a risk of human error. With AI Metrics, the radiologist can quickly identify areas of concern flagged by the AI, such as subtle signs of a developing neurological disorder that might be missed by the human eye. This not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also reduces the time spent on each case, allowing radiologists to focus on more critical aspects of patient care.

  • Patients

Patients stand to benefit considerably from more accurate and timely diagnoses. Take, for instance, a patient suspected of having early-stage breast cancer. AI Metrics’ software can detect minute calcifications or tumor growths at an early stage, leading to earlier intervention and potentially a higher chance of successful treatment. This precision in diagnosis translates to personalized treatment plans, better outcomes, and a reduction in the anxiety of waiting for results.

  • Healthcare providers

Hospitals and clinics employing AI Metrics’ technology can expect a shift in their operational dynamics. An example of this would be in the emergency department, where quick and accurate diagnoses are crucial. The integration of AI in radiology can expedite the diagnostic process, enabling quicker decision-making and treatment, thereby improving patient throughput and the overall efficiency of the healthcare facility.

  • Insurers

Insurance companies benefit from the increased accuracy and efficiency provided by AI Metrics. Accurate diagnoses mean appropriate and timely treatments, reducing the costs associated with prolonged or ineffective care. For instance, in cases of chronic diseases like diabetes, where patients undergo regular scans, the precision of AI Metrics can prevent unnecessary treatments and reduce healthcare expenditure.

  • Regulatory bodies

The implications for regulatory bodies involve ensuring that the integration of AI in healthcare meets ethical and safety standards. For instance, the FDA would need to closely monitor and regulate the algorithms used by AI Metrics to ensure they are not only effective but also unbiased and safe for patient use.

Current impact

AI Metrics has made a substantial impact in the field of radiological imaging and analysis, as evidenced by significant improvements in read times, accuracy, and consistency.

  • Increased speed of reads: The technology has effectively doubled the speed of radiological image interpretation. By reducing the average read time from 18.7 minutes to just 9.8 minutes, AI Metrics has dramatically accelerated the diagnostic process. This improvement is crucial in clinical settings where timely diagnosis can significantly affect patient outcomes, such as in emergency care or in the early detection of rapidly progressing diseases.
  • Enhanced accuracy: The accuracy of radiological reporting has seen a notable increase, improving from 73% to 91%. This 25% increase in accuracy is a testament to the effectiveness of AI Metrics’ AI algorithms in identifying and interpreting complex imaging data. Higher accuracy in diagnostic imaging is vital for ensuring appropriate patient treatment plans, particularly in cases of serious conditions like cancer, where precise detection and staging of the disease are critical.
  • Improved consistency: The consistency in reads, as measured by inter-observer agreement, has risen by 58%, from 46% to 73%. This enhancement in consistency is particularly important in radiology, where differing interpretations of imaging can lead to varied diagnostic conclusions. By increasing consistency, AI Metrics helps standardize diagnostic processes, reducing variability and uncertainty in clinical decision-making.

Potential future impact

  • AI Metrics, riding the wave of AI innovation in healthcare, is likely to continue its trajectory of growth and expansion. Soon, they might focus on enhancing their AI algorithms for even greater accuracy and efficiency in image analysis. This could involve integrating more advanced machine learning models and expanding their dataset for deeper learning. They may also plan to extend their technology to cover a wider range of medical imaging modalities and diseases, making their solutions more versatile and comprehensive.
  • Given their current capabilities, AI Metrics could consider branching into areas like predictive healthcare analytics. By analyzing imaging trends over time, they could potentially predict the likelihood of disease development or progression in patients, enabling preventive healthcare measures. Another avenue could be the integration of their technology with telemedicine platforms, making expert radiological analysis accessible in remote or underserved areas. This extension would not only democratize access to high-quality radiological analysis but also aid in global health initiatives, particularly in regions with limited medical resources.

Business model

  • Business-to-Business (B2B): A primary component of their model involves direct partnerships with healthcare institutions, such as hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers. In this model, AI Metrics offers its AI-driven radiological analysis software to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of these institutions’ imaging services. The advantage here is the ability to integrate with existing healthcare systems, provide value-added services to professionals, and improve patient care quality.
  • Direct-to-Consumer (D2C): Another aspect of their business model involves a direct-to-consumer approach, particularly in the realm of personalized healthcare and preventive diagnostics. For instance, AI Metrics could offer individuals AI-assisted analysis of their medical images through a user-friendly platform, providing them with detailed, understandable reports. This model capitalizes on the growing consumer interest in personal health management, offering a novel avenue for individuals to gain deeper insights into their health.

Funding and key investors

Having raised a total of $3.1 million over five funding rounds, with the latest influx of capital coming from a grant received on August 30, 2022, the company is evidently on a path of progressive growth. The key investors of AI Metrics are Alabama Capital Network and the National Science Foundation.

  • Innovate Alabama: As a lead investor, Innovate Alabama has been instrumental in supporting AI Metrics. Their backing, particularly through a grant, highlights the alignment of AI Metrics’ mission with broader state-level goals in healthcare innovation and technology development.
  • Alabama Capital Network: Contributing during the seed funding round, Alabama Capital Network has been a crucial supporter in the early stages of AI Metrics’ growth. This investment was likely pivotal in helping the company develop its foundational technology and begin its journey in the competitive field of healthcare AI.
  • National Science Foundation: The National Science Foundation’s involvement, especially in a sector as critical as healthcare technology, is particularly noteworthy. NSF is renowned for supporting projects that combine scientific rigor with the potential for significant societal impact.

Competitive differentiator

  • Customized learning algorithms based on diverse data sets: Unlike standard AI models, which are often trained on generic datasets, AI Metrics’ algorithms are tailored using a diverse and extensive range of radiological images. This includes data from various demographics, medical histories, and a wide spectrum of medical conditions. The customization of these algorithms allows for more accurate and reliable interpretations of radiological images, catering to a broader and more varied patient population.
  • Focus on subtle imaging markers: While most AI radiological tools focus on prominent and easily recognizable markers, AI Metrics emphasizes the identification of subtle imaging markers that are often overlooked. This focus on minute details can be crucial in early disease detection and in cases where symptoms are not pronounced.
  • Adaptive learning with continuous feedback integration: Their AI models are designed to adapt and evolve with continuous feedback from radiological experts. This means that the algorithms are not static; they continuously learn and improve, integrating expert insights from real-world diagnoses and outcomes. This ongoing adaptation ensures that the technology remains at the forefront of diagnostic accuracy.

Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements

  • FDA approval: In the United States, any AI-driven medical device, including radiological imaging software, may require clearance or approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This regulatory body evaluates the safety and effectiveness of such technologies before they can be used in clinical practice. Continuous adherence to FDA regulations is essential for ensuring the legality and ethical use of their solution.
  • HIPAA compliance: Given that medical imaging involves sensitive patient data, compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is paramount. AI Metrics should rigorously maintain HIPAA compliance to safeguard patient privacy and data security. This includes secure storage, transmission, and access controls for patient information.


“This will revolutionize our efficiency and accuracy” Anthony Paul Trace, MD, PhD (Hampton Roads Radiology Associates)

Areas for continuous improvement

  • Disease diversity: Expanding the scope of diseases and medical conditions covered by their AI algorithms could be a valuable avenue for improvement. While many solutions tend to concentrate on high-prevalence diseases, AI Metrics could invest in the development of algorithms for rarer or region-specific conditions. Such an approach could potentially address unmet medical needs and broaden the applicability of their technology.
  • Diverse patient groups: Ensuring that AI algorithms are effective across diverse patient groups is essential, and AI Metrics could explore ways to enhance this aspect. One potential strategy could involve improving the representation of different demographics, including age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, in their training data. By doing so, they could reduce biases and potentially enhance the accuracy and fairness of their diagnoses across a broader patient population.
  • Cultural sensitivity: Cultural factors play a significant role in healthcare decisions and outcomes. To further enhance patient care, AI Metrics could explore the integration of cultural sensitivity into their AI algorithms. This exploration could lead to recommendations and diagnoses that are not only clinically accurate but also culturally relevant and respectful, aligning with the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of patients.



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Hiequity Team

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