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A heroic journey in transforming disability into ability

Conceptual art copyrighted to HiEquity.ai

In 2019, the World Health Organization reported a staggering 13.23 million new cases of traumatic amputation globally, translating to an age-standardized incidence rate of 171.23 per 100,000 people. This condition, particularly below-elbow amputation, poses a significant global health challenge, impacting both individuals’ quality of life and healthcare systems at large. The Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALY) metric, which represents the loss of healthy years, is significantly affected by amputations. The prevalence and incidence of this condition vary across regions, influenced by factors such as accident rates, healthcare accessibility, and disease prevalence. Regions prone to trauma report higher amputation cases, while inadequate healthcare access leads to many untreated cases. Additionally, diseases like diabetes contribute to increased amputation rates in specific areas.

The financial burden of below-elbow amputations is considerable, encompassing surgical costs, post-operative care, and the need for assistive technologies such as prosthetics and bionic arms. While global expenditure figures are hard to pinpoint, they are undeniably substantial due to the long-term nature of healthcare costs.

Cure Bionics, founded on November 28, 2018, by Mohamed Dhaouafi, Cure Bionics is headquartered in Sousse, Tunisia, and specializes in creating functional and aesthetically appealing bionic arm solutions. Their cutting-edge technologies not only cater to the needs of individuals with below-elbow amputations but also hold the potential to alleviate the overall impact of these amputations on patients and healthcare systems. The company’s founding represents a significant step forward in addressing a global health issue, blending innovative technology with strategic foresight.

Pain point addressed

Cure Bionics specifically addresses the acute need for advanced, affordable, and aesthetically pleasing prosthetic solutions for below-elbow amputees. This niche market often faces limited access to advanced prosthetic technology. The company’s innovation lies in developing bionic arms that are not only functional, offering multi-grip capabilities, but also visually appealing, catering to both adults and children aged 8 and above. The key stakeholders involved include individual amputees, healthcare providers in the region, and potentially insurance entities. This focus addresses a crucial gap in the prosthetics market, offering enhanced quality of life for amputees.

Type of solution

Cure Bionics offers a hybrid solution, combining both hardware and software elements. Their prosthetic devices, which are the primary hardware component, are sophisticated bionic arms designed for below-elbow amputees. These physical devices are enhanced with advanced software that enables functionalities like multi-grip and responsive movement, making them highly adaptable and user-friendly.

This integration of hardware and software places their solution in the realm of advanced medical devices, where mechanical engineering meets digital technology. The software component involves elements of robotics, sensor technology, and possibly machine learning algorithms for movement precision and customization. This hybrid approach allows for a more personalized and effective prosthetic experience for users, differentiating Cure Bionics in the prosthetics market.

Type of input data leveraged

  • Muscle activity data: EMG (Electromyography) signals from residual limb muscles are used to control the movements of the bionic arm.
  • Motion and orientation data: Accelerometer and gyroscope data to track the movement and orientation of the prosthetic limb.
  • Prosthetic usage patterns: Data on how often and in what manner the prosthetic limb is used, aiding in personalization and functionality improvements.
  • User feedback inputs: Information from users regarding comfort, ease of use, and functionality, which can be used for iterative design improvements.
  • Environmental interaction data: Sensory data regarding the prosthetic’s interaction with different environments and objects, for better grip and maneuverability.
  • Adjustment settings: User-specific settings for grip strength, speed, and movement patterns, allowing customization to individual needs.
  • Battery usage and power management data: Monitoring of power consumption for efficient energy use and battery life optimization.
Source: https://dhaouafimed.wixsite.com/curetunisie

Key technology involved

  • Robotics: Integrates into prosthetic arms to provide a functional mechanical structure, enabling complex movements akin to a natural limb.
  • Electromyography (EMG) sensors: These sensors detect electrical signals from the user’s residual limb muscles, translating them into movements of the prosthetic.
  • Machine learning algorithms: Analyze the patterns in EMG data to improve the prosthetic’s response, making its movements more fluid and intuitive over time.
  • Sensor technology: Incorporates accelerometers and gyroscopes to accurately monitor the position and motion of the prosthetic, ensuring precise and responsive control.
  • 3D printing: Employed in the production process, this technology allows for the creation of customized prosthetics tailored to each user’s unique physical structure, while also reducing manufacturing costs.
  • Material science: Utilizes innovative materials that are both lightweight for ease of use and durable for longevity, while also being comfortable for all-day wear.
  • Battery technology: Focuses on developing efficient energy management systems within the prosthetic to maximize battery life and ensure consistent performance.
  • User interface software: Provides a platform for users to easily adjust settings like grip strength and movement speed, allowing for a personalized experience with the prosthetic.

Key applications of solution

Cure Bionics specializes in advanced prosthetic limbs, aimed at significantly improving the quality of life for amputees. Their approach encompasses several key aspects. Enhanced mobility is central, and prosthetics designed for greater movement and dexterity are crucial in restoring independence. Customization is achieved through 3D printing, ensuring each limb fits comfortably and securely. Aesthetically pleasing designs are also prioritized, addressing the emotional and social aspects of wearing a prosthetic.

Technologically, Cure Bionics integrates adaptive features like machine learning and EMG sensors, creating intuitive, responsive prosthetics that align closely with natural body movements. User-friendliness is evident in their simple, customizable interface, allowing for personalized adjustments to suit various lifestyles and activities. Energy efficiency is another hallmark, with advanced battery technology ensuring longer, more reliable usage.

Crucially, Cure Bionics also focuses on accessibility and affordability, employing innovative manufacturing methods to make these life-enhancing prosthetics available to a broader audience, especially in underserved regions. This comprehensive approach marries functionality with emotional and social well-being, marking a significant leap in prosthetic technology.

Implications for key stakeholders

Patients (Amputees)

  • Beyond the obvious mobility enhancements, patients experience a renewed sense of autonomy. For instance, a child born without a limb or someone who has undergone amputation can engage in activities previously deemed challenging, like playing a musical instrument or participating in sports, fostering a sense of normalcy and inclusion.

Healthcare providers

  • Surgeons and rehabilitation therapists can offer more holistic care. For example, a therapist could integrate a Cure Bionics prosthetic into a patient’s rehabilitation plan, using its adaptive features to track progress and tailor therapy sessions, leading to more effective outcomes.


  • The long-term cost-effectiveness of these prosthetics could lead insurers to revise policies. A durable, adaptable prosthetic like those from Cure Bionics may reduce the need for frequent replacements or adjustments, thereby lowering overall healthcare costs.

Regulatory bodies

  • The introduction of such advanced prosthetics necessitates updated regulations and policies to ensure safety and efficacy. It prompts a reevaluation of standards in prosthetic development and deployment, possibly leading to more streamlined approval processes for innovative medical devices.

Current impact

  • Cure Bionics has made significant strides in the field of prosthetics, particularly with its innovative 3D-printed bionic arms. These prosthetics stand out due to their customizable nature, affordability, and functional design. Notably, they are tailored to the specific needs of each individual, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit while providing a wide range of movements that mimic natural human body movements.
  • The company’s use of 3D printing technology in creating these prosthetic limbs is particularly noteworthy. This approach begins with a 3D scan of the residual limb, which is then used to create a digital model of the prosthetic limb. The digital model guides the creation of a physical prototype through 3D printing, offering a combination of customization, speed, and efficiency in production.
  • One of the most impressive aspects of Cure Bionics’ prosthetic limbs is their affordability. They are significantly more cost-effective than traditional prosthetics, which can be prohibitively expensive. This makes them accessible to a broader range of people, including those in developing countries. The company’s commitment to affordability and customization has expanded the accessibility of prosthetic limbs, particularly to children in these regions, who often have limited options.
  • Additionally, Cure Bionics’ prosthetic limbs feature rotating wrists and fingers that move at their joints, controlled by electrical impulses. This enhances their functionality and adaptability. The company has also incorporated solar power capabilities into these limbs, allowing them to be used in areas without traditional charging or power sources.
  • Cure Bionics is set to release a public version of its product in spring 2023, with ambitions to continue innovating and improving its prosthetics. The company’s future plans include expanding its reach through partnerships with local organizations and governments in developing countries and incorporating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning for enhanced functionality and control.

Potential future impact

  • Looking ahead, Cure Bionics has the potential to extend its impact even further. Given their expertise in 3D printing and bionic technology, they could consider expanding into other areas of assistive technology, such as lower-limb prosthetics or exoskeletons for enhanced mobility. Their approach to combining advanced technology with affordability could also be applied to developing prosthetic solutions for other physical disabilities. Furthermore, their innovative use of VR for training presents opportunities in broader rehabilitation and therapeutic contexts, perhaps even branching into educational tools for medical training. Cure Bionics’ current trajectory not only promises to transform the lives of amputees but also holds the potential to influence a range of sectors related to healthcare and assistive technologies.

Business model

1. B2C (Business-to-Consumer):

  • This model allows Cure Bionics to sell directly to consumers, particularly individual amputees or their families.
  • Advantages: Personalized customer relations, direct feedback for product improvement, and an opportunity to build a brand identity that resonates with end-users.

2. B2B (Business-to-Business):

  • Partnering with healthcare providers, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals, Cure Bionics can supply prosthetics in bulk.
  • Advantages: Stable revenue streams, larger contracts, and opportunities for collaborative R&D with healthcare institutions.

3. D2C (Direct-to-Consumer):

  • Selling directly to consumers via online platforms or through direct marketing.
  • Advantages: Greater control over the customer experience, potential for higher margins, and direct feedback loop with users for continuous product enhancement.

Funding and key investors

Cure Bionics, a pioneering company in the field of assistive technology, has successfully secured over $50,000.00 in funding through a single funding round. This investment was made by a dedicated investor who recognized the importance of Cure Bionics’ mission. Notably, Cure Bionics’ latest funding round was categorized as a “Non-equity Assistance” round, signifying the unique nature of the support it received. This funding will play a crucial role in advancing Cure Bionics’ efforts to develop innovative solutions that enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities through cutting-edge bionic technology.

Competitive differentiator

The competitive differentiator for Cure Bionics lies in a nuanced aspect of their product: the integration of solar-powered technology in their prosthetic limbs. This small yet impactful feature distinguishes them in the prosthetics market, particularly in the context of global accessibility and sustainability.

Solar-powered functionality

  • Uniqueness: Most prosthetic limbs rely on traditional charging methods, but Cure Bionics introduces solar charging as an innovative solution.
  • Impact: This feature is particularly beneficial in areas with limited access to electricity, making the prosthetics more practical and usable in various global regions, including remote or underdeveloped areas.

Child-friendly prosthetics

  • Specific focus: Cure Bionics emphasizes creating prosthetics suitable for children, a segment often overlooked in traditional prosthetic design.
  • Significance: This focus addresses a critical need, as children with limb differences require prosthetics that accommodate their growth and activity levels.

Customization and aesthetics

  • Detail in design: While customization is not unique in itself, Cure Bionics’ emphasis on aesthetically pleasing designs that reflect personal style and preferences adds a unique dimension to their product.
  • Emotional impact: This approach not only meets functional needs but also supports the emotional and psychological well-being of users, particularly younger ones.

Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements

For a solution like Cure Bionics’ prosthetic limbs, maintaining a robust regulatory and compliance status is crucial. This involves adhering to various standards and regulations, which are essential to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of their products. Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements might include:

Medical device regulations

  • Compliance with international medical device standards, such as the FDA in the United States, the European Union’s Medical Device Regulation (MDR), or similar entities in other regions.
  • Continuous monitoring and updating of compliance status in accordance with changes in regulatory frameworks.

Quality assurance standards

  • Adherence to quality management systems like ISO 13485, which is specifically designed for medical device manufacturers.
  • Regular auditing and certification processes to ensure consistent product quality and safety.

Partnerships and collaborations

Cure Bionics engages in various partnerships to enhance its operational and developmental capabilities. These could include knowledge partnerships with academic and research institutions for R&D and student involvement. Market access partnerships involve collaborations with healthcare providers, hospitals, and government healthcare programs, especially in underserved regions. They may also form technology partnerships with AI and 3D printing tech firms for prosthetic enhancements and supply chain partnerships for material sourcing and distribution efficiency. Additionally, partnerships with rehabilitation centers and community organizations could aid in integrating their prosthetics into care programs and gathering user feedback.

Areas for continuous improvement

  • Multilingual and cultural adaptation
    • Cure Bionics could enhance user interfaces and training materials with multiple language options.
    • They could introduce culturally specific designs in prosthetics for diverse global users.
  • Broader medical scope
    • There’s potential to expand beyond traumatic amputations to include congenital limb differences and other relevant conditions.
    • Collaborating with medical specialists to tailor prosthetics for various health needs could be beneficial.
  • Inclusive user testing
    • Including a broader spectrum of patient groups in testing phases is necessary to ensure diverse needs are met.
    • Engaging underrepresented communities for comprehensive user feedback and product development.
  • Sustainability focus
    • Increasing the use of eco-friendly materials and sustainable production processes.
    • Implementing programs for recycling or refurbishing old prosthetics.
  • Remote monitoring and tele-rehabilitation
    • Integrating features for remote monitoring of prosthetic use and performance.Expanding virtual and tele-rehabilitation services for accessible training and therapy.




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Hiequity Team

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