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The digital revolution in metabolic disease management that’s reshaping the future of healthcare

Conceptual art copyrighted to HiEquity.ai

Chronic metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), have emerged as one of the most significant global health challenges of the 21st century. The escalation in the prevalence of these diseases from 2000 to 2019, especially in high socio-demographic index (SDI) countries, highlights a critical public health issue that demands innovative solutions.

The impact of these diseases is profound, not only in the number of people affected but also in terms of the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) they cause. DALYs represent the total number of years lost due to ill-health, disability, or early death and are a crucial measure of the overall disease burden. This metric demonstrates the extensive impact of metabolic diseases on global health, with a disturbing trend of increasing prevalence and incidence.

In this context, Twin Health, co-founded by Jahangir MohammedMaluk Mohamedand Terrence Poon, is at the forefront of addressing this challenge. The company, headquartered in California, United States, and Chennai, India, was established in 2018 with a mission to revolutionize the treatment of chronic metabolic diseases. Twin Health’s groundbreaking Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology is a testament to the company’s innovative approach. This technology leverages a combination of advanced sensors, comprehensive blood tests, and personalized digital twins to provide real-time, individualized health guidance.

Pain point addressed

Twin Health addresses the crucial challenge of managing chronic metabolic diseases, specifically targeting conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The company’s innovative Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology offers personalized healthcare solutions through continuous health monitoring and data-driven treatment plans. This approach benefits patients, healthcare providers, and insurers, potentially reducing healthcare costs and improving overall health outcomes. Twin Health’s work is significant in the global context, addressing a widespread and growing health issue.

Type of solution

Twin Health provides a hybrid solution combining both hardware and software elements. The hardware component includes multiple sensors, such as continuous glucose monitors and fitness watches, for real-time health monitoring. The software aspect involves the development of individualized Whole Body Digital Twins, which use the data collected from these sensors to provide personalized health guidance and treatment plans. This integrated approach leverages the strengths of both hardware and software to offer a comprehensive solution for managing chronic metabolic diseases.

Type of input data leveraged

Twin Health leverages a comprehensive range of input data to power its Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology. The data types include:

  1. Physiological data: Gathered from various sensors like continuous glucose monitors and fitness watches. This data includes blood glucose levels, heart rate, and physical activity metrics.
  2. Blood test results: Comprehensive blood tests provide crucial information on various biomarkers that are essential for understanding an individual’s metabolic health.
  3. Nutritional data: Information regarding the patient’s diet and nutrition, which plays a key role in managing metabolic diseases.
  4. Lifestyle factors: Data on sleep patterns, activity levels, and breathing, which are integral to the overall health and management of chronic conditions.
  5. Medication information: Details of any medications the patient is taking, which is important for monitoring and adjusting treatment plans as necessary.

Key technology leveraged

Twin Health utilizes a range of key technologies in its Whole Body Digital Twin™ service to manage chronic metabolic diseases effectively. These technologies include:

  1. Machine Learning/Deep Learning: These AI technologies are crucial for analyzing the vast amounts of health data collected, identifying patterns, and making predictions about a patient’s health status and the likely effectiveness of different treatment options.
  2. Data analytics: Involves the processing and analysis of health data to derive actionable insights. This includes analyzing physiological data, blood test results, lifestyle factors, and more.
  3. Sensor technology: The use of advanced sensors, like continuous glucose monitors and fitness trackers, to continuously gather physiological data in real-time.
  4. Mobile and cloud computing: These technologies enable the storage, processing, and accessibility of health data. They allow for the synchronization of data from various sources and facilitate remote access by healthcare providers and patients.
Source: https://helena.org/projects/twin

Key applications of solution

Twin Health’s Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology provides a range of specific, innovative applications:

  1. Personalized health assessments:
    • Utilizes comprehensive data from continuous glucose monitors, fitness watches, and blood tests.
    • Assesses individual health status, including metabolic function and disease risk factors.
  2. Continuous health monitoring:
    • Employs advanced sensors for real-time monitoring of vital health metrics such as blood glucose levels and heart rate.
    • Offers alerts and notifications to both patients and healthcare providers about significant health changes.
  3. Efficient data management for healthcare providers:
    • Organizes and manages patient data for easy access and interpretation by healthcare professionals.
    • Generates detailed health reports, aiding in decision-making and patient discussions.
  4. Lifestyle and behavioral change support:
    • Provides personalized advice and support for lifestyle changes, including nutrition, physical activity, and sleep.
    • Aids in long-term behavioral changes essential for effective disease management.

Implications for key stakeholders

  1. Patients (with chronic metabolic diseases)
    • Improved disease management and potentially reduced medication dependence, leading to better health outcomes and lower personal healthcare costs.
  2. Healthcare providers:
    • Enhanced decision-making capabilities through access to detailed patient data, resulting in more personalized and effective treatment plans.
  3. Health insurance companies:
    • Lower long-term healthcare costs due to improved patient health could lead to reduced claim payouts and a shift towards preventative care models.
  4. Pharmaceutical companies:
    • Insights from patient data could guide new drug development and enhance existing medication regimens for metabolic diseases.

Current impact

Twin Health has demonstrated notable success in managing chronic metabolic diseases, especially type 2 diabetes, through its Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology. Key achievements include:

  • Diabetes remission: Approximately 84% of participants achieved remission of type 2 diabetes after six months of following the program.
  • A1C reduction: An average reduction of 2.9 in A1C levels was observed in participants within six months.
  • Medication reduction: 71% of participants were able to eliminate high-cost diabetes medications in the same period.
  • Weight loss: An average weight loss of 16.6 pounds was reported among participants over six months.

These outcomes are driven by Twin Health’s use of advanced biometric sensors, data analysis, and personalized treatment plans, reflecting the potential of digital health technologies in transforming chronic disease management

Potential impact

  1. Expansion in chronic disease management: Twin Health’s success in reversing type 2 diabetes and reducing dependency on medications has the potential to be applied to other chronic metabolic diseases. This could change how these diseases are treated globally.
  2. Data-driven healthcare innovations: The extensive data collected by Twin Health could fuel further innovations in healthcare, particularly in personalized medicine and AI-driven healthcare solutions.
  3. Global health implications: With its scalability and effectiveness, Twin Health’s technology has the potential to make a significant impact in regions with limited access to healthcare resources, thereby addressing global health disparities.

Business model

The business model of Twin Health revolves around offering their Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology as a healthcare service, primarily targeting individuals with chronic metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. This model appears to be a hybrid of B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) approaches, with a few key advantages:

  1. Partnerships with employers and insurance plans: Twin Health partners with employers and health insurance plans to offer their service as part of health benefits packages. This approach allows them to reach a broad user base without the individual consumer needing to bear the full cost.
  2. Performance-based model: The business model may incorporate a performance-based aspect, where fees are aligned with the effectiveness of the treatment. This creates an incentive for Twin Health to continuously improve its technology and ensures that employers and insurers are investing in a solution that provides tangible results.
  3. Appeal to individual consumers: For individual users who access the service outside of employer or insurer partnerships, the personalized and potentially more effective approach to managing their health conditions can be a strong draw compared to traditional healthcare services.

Funding and key investors

Twin Health has raised a total of $248.5 million in funding across four (4) rounds. Their latest funding was raised on the 13th of December, 2023 from a Venture – Series Unknown round.

Twin Health is funded by nine investors. Helena and Peak XV Partners are their most recent investors. Over the years, their funding rounds have gone thus:

  1. June 17, 2020: Series A funding of $18 million with Sequoia Capital as the lead investor.
  2. October 16, 2020: Series B funding of $25.5 million with Corner Ventures and Sequoia Capital as lead investors
  3. October 7, 2021: Series C funding of $155 million with ICONIQ Growth as the lead investor
  4. December 13, 2023: Venture Round funding of $50 million with Temasek Holdings as the lead investor

Competitive differentiator

Twin Health’s competitive differentiator lies in its unique integration of the digital twin concept within the healthcare sector, specifically for managing chronic metabolic diseases. Unlike traditional healthcare approaches that primarily focus on symptom management, Twin Health’s Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology delves into the root cause of metabolic imbalances. This technology not only aggregates vast amounts of individual health data but also applies advanced AI and machine learning to create personalized, dynamic treatment plans. This level of personalization and real-time health monitoring, combined with a focus on reversing, not just managing, chronic conditions, sets Twin Health apart in the digital healthcare landscape.

Regulatory and compliance requirements

For a solution like Twin Health’s Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology, maintaining compliance with various regulatory and healthcare standards is crucial. This includes adherence to:

  1. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): Ensuring patient data privacy and security.
  2. FDA regulations: For medical devices and software, ensure they meet safety and efficacy standards.
  3. CE marking (for European Market): Compliance with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area.
  4. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): If operating in or serving clients in the European Union, ensuring data privacy and protection.

Continuous upkeep and maintenance of these compliance statuses are vital for the legitimacy and smooth operation of such healthcare technology solutions.

Impact stories

“My clinical team believed in me before I believed in myself. They cared about me in the first few weeks of the program when I was unhealthier than I even knew… There are doctors and there are healers. I am glad to say that I am working with healers. Beyond hope, you have given me life.” DD (User)

“I thought it was going to be a very unpersonalized experience driven off an app. The biggest blessing I’ve gotten through all of this is how diet influences my day. How I can use diet to influence my exercise, and how little food I really need in the course of a day to maintain a high level of energy.” Richard (User)

“I have so much energy and I bought a bike and am thinking about getting out and going kayaking now. I don’t have that fog anymore, my mental clarity is good and I noticed my overall anxiety is improving too” SL (User)

Areas for continuous improvement

An area for continuous improvement for Twin Health could involve enhancing user engagement and adherence strategies. This could include developing more interactive and gamified elements within their app to encourage consistent usage and adherence to treatment plans. Additionally, integrating a broader spectrum of holistic health aspects, such as mental health support and stress management techniques, could provide a more comprehensive approach to managing chronic diseases. These improvements would not only increase the appeal and effectiveness of the technology but also address the multi-dimensional nature of health and wellness.





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Hiequity Team

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