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In the breast cancer battleground, is Niramai’s AI-powered shield the protector that millions have been waiting for?

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a formidable adversary, and early detection is often the key to successful treatment. In India, however, early-stage breast cancer detection faces significant hurdles, influenced by a range of factors. One major issue is the lack of awareness among Indian women regarding the significance of early breast cancer detection and the subtle signs and symptoms of the disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, accounting for 24.1% of all new cancer cases in 2020. It is also the fifth-leading cause of death from cancer among women, with 685,000 deaths in 2020.

This limited awareness can result in delayed diagnoses at a stage when the cancer is more challenging to treat and less likely to be cured. Access to breast cancer screening programs is not widespread in India. Even where such programs do exist, they are often inaccessible to women in rural areas or those from low-income households.

This inequality in access hinders early detection efforts. India grapples with a shortage of qualified radiologists, particularly in rural regions. This deficiency can impact the quality of breast cancer screening services, as even when women have access to such facilities, there may not be enough radiologists to accurately interpret the results.

Adding to these issues, the cultural stigma surrounding breast cancer still lingers in many parts of India. This stigma can deter women from seeking screening or treatment, prolonging the time before diagnosis. Financial barriers also play a role, as the cost of breast cancer screening and treatment can be prohibitive for many women. Furthermore, the healthcare infrastructure in India often lacks the essential equipment and resources necessary for comprehensive breast cancer care.

Niramai Health Analytix, founded in 2016 by Dr. Geetha Manjunath and Nidhi Mathur, is headquartered in Bengaluru, India. Niramai’s software has been shown to be very accurate in detecting early-stage breast cancer. In a study of over 7,500 women, Niramai’s software had a 27% higher accuracy rate than mammography in detecting early-stage breast cancer.

Pain point addressed

Notably, Niramai Health Analytix has developed an AI-powered breast cancer screening solution. This solution is non-invasive, affordable, and accessible, making it a potential game-changer for early-stage breast cancer detection not only in India but in other developing countries as well.

By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, Niramai’s solution offers a safer and more comfortable screening process, which may encourage more women to undergo regular breast cancer screenings. Moreover, the affordability and accessibility of this solution address some of the financial and geographical barriers that have hindered early detection efforts.

Type of solution

Niramai’s solution is a software solution that uses AI algorithms and predictive analytics to detect breast cancer at an early stage. The software analyzes thermal images of the breast to identify patterns that are associated with cancer. It can also be used to predict a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer in the future.

Niramai’s software solution has a number of advantages over traditional breast cancer screening methods such as mammography. It is non-invasive, affordable, and accessible. It can also detect cancer at an earlier stage than mammography, which can lead to better patient outcomes.

Key technology involved

The key technologies involved in Niramai’s solution are machine learning/deep learning and computer vision.

  • Machine learning/deep learning are algorithms that are able to learn from data and make predictions without being explicitly programmed. Niramai’s software uses machine learning/deep learning algorithms to analyze thermal images of the breast and identify patterns that are associated with cancer.
  • Computer vision is a field of computer science that deals with the extraction of information from images and videos. Niramai’s software uses computer vision techniques to preprocess the thermal images and extract features that are relevant for cancer detection.

Key applications of solution

  • Diagnostic assistance

Niramai’s software can be used to provide a second opinion on mammograms or other breast imaging tests that are difficult to interpret. This can help radiologists to avoid misdiagnosis. This software can be used to triage patients who have been referred for breast imaging tests. It can help to identify patients who need to be seen by a radiologist urgently and patients who can be scheduled for a follow-up appointment at a later date. Niramai’s software can be used to assess the quality of mammograms and other breast imaging tests. This can help to ensure that radiologists are interpreting high-quality images. Niramai’s software is a valuable tool for radiologists who are working to improve the accuracy and efficiency of breast cancer detection.

  • Treatment planning

Niramai’s software can be used to help healthcare providers develop personalized treatment plans for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

  • Patient monitoring

Niramai’s software can be used to monitor women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer. This can help detect cancer early when it is most treatable.

  • Drug discovery

Niramai’s software can be used to identify new biomarkers and drug targets for breast cancer. This can help to develop new and more effective treatments for the disease.

Implications for key stakeholders

Niramai’s solution has the potential to improve public health by increasing early-stage breast cancer detection rates.

  • Patients

Niramai’s AI-driven solution enables earlier breast cancer detection by analyzing thermal images and identifying patterns associated with cancer in its nascent stages. Moreover, it enhances accessibility by offering non-invasive and affordable screening, benefiting women in rural and low-income areas. Additionally, it reduces anxiety by monitoring high-risk patients, offering peace of mind.

  • Healthcare providers

This solution benefits healthcare providers by enhancing accuracy in breast cancer detection and leveraging thermal image analysis. It reduces their workload through pre-screening, allowing radiologists to concentrate on complex cases. Additionally, it improves patient care by detecting cancer earlier, resulting in better outcomes.

  • Insurers

Niramai’s solution offers insurers a cost-saving advantage by facilitating early-stage breast cancer detection, which is more economical to treat. It also enhances risk assessment, enabling targeted prevention and screening programs for high-risk individuals. Moreover, it improves patient satisfaction by ensuring access to high-quality breast cancer screening and treatment through insurance providers.

  • Regulatory bodies

It can enhance public health by increasing early-stage breast cancer detection due to its non-invasive, affordable, and accessible nature. This, in turn, reduces the societal cancer burden by improving patient outcomes and decreasing the demand for costly treatments. Additionally, it contributes to an improved evidence base for breast cancer screening and treatment, aiding in the development of more effective guidelines through data collection on cancer progression and treatment outcomes.

Current impact

The company has screened over 150,000 women to date, and its solution has been shown to have a 27% higher accuracy rate than mammography in detecting early-stage breast cancer. This has the potential to save countless lives, as early detection of breast cancer is essential for successful treatment.

Potential future impact

  • Reduced mortality rates: Niramai’s solution has the potential to reduce mortality rates from breast cancer by detecting the disease at an earlier stage. This is because early detection of breast cancer leads to better patient outcomes.
  • Improved quality of life: Niramai’s solution has the potential to improve the quality of life for breast cancer patients by helping them to avoid the need for more invasive and expensive cancer treatments.
  • Reduced economic burden: Niramai’s solution has the potential to reduce the economic burden of breast cancer on society by helping to detect the disease at an earlier stage when it is less expensive to treat.

Business model

Niramai’s business model is B2B subscription. This means that Niramai sells its solution to other businesses or hospitals on a subscription basis.

  • Niramai’s Thermalytix solution is available in 30 cities in India across 200+ hospitals and diagnostic centers.
  • Niramai’s customers include Apollo Clinics, HCG, Narayana Health, and Rainbow Hospitals, among others in India.
  • Niramai test is also available in the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Sweden, Turkey, and the Philippines through its distributors.
  • Niramai has screened over 1 million women for breast cancer as of 2023.

Niramai’s B2B subscription business model has helped it to scale its operations rapidly. The company has grown its revenue by over 300% year-over-year in recent years. Niramai is also profitable and has been generating positive cash flow since 2021.

Advantages of the business model

  • Recurring revenue: Subscription-based businesses generate recurring revenue, which can help create a more predictable and stable revenue stream.
  • Customer stickiness: Subscription-based businesses tend to have higher customer stickiness than other types of businesses. This is because customers are more likely to stay with a company that they are subscribed to, especially if they are satisfied with the service.
  • Scalability: Subscription-based businesses are highly scalable. This is because it is relatively easy to add new customers to a subscription-based business.

Funding and key investors

Niramai has also raised over $6 million in funding and is partnering with leading healthcare providers and insurers in India to scale its solution. This suggests that the company is well-positioned to make a major impact on the global fight against breast cancer.

Some of the lead investors in Niramai are:

  • EENEXT: A venture capital firm that invests in early-stage and growth-stage technology startups in India and Southeast Asia BEENEXT invested in Niramai in 2021, during the company’s Series B funding round.
  • Ankur Capital: A venture capital firm that invests in early-stage and growth-stage impact startups in India. Ankur Capital invested in Niramai in 2021, during the company’s Series B funding round. Ankur Capital is particularly interested in Niramai’s potential to improve the health outcomes of underserved populations.
  • Dream Incubator: Dream Incubator is a strategic consulting and business development firm that helps companies with their growth and expansion.
  • Google Launchpad Accelerator: Launchpad Accelerator helps startups from around the world develop the world’s greatest apps. In 2017, the initiative provided a $50,000 non-equity assistance fund for Niramai.
  • Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT): DPIIT is a central government department under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in India. In 2020, Niramai got a grant of ₹500K.

Competitive differentiator

  • Non-invasive: This solution does not require any physical contact with the patient, making it a comfortable and convenient experience for the patient.
  • Affordable: Niramai’s solution is relatively affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of patients, including those in developing countries.
  • Accessible: It is portable and easy to use, making it ideal for use in remote areas where access to traditional breast cancer screening methods is limited.
  • Uses AI to analyze thermal images: It uses AI to analyze thermal images of the breast, which can detect cancer at an earlier stage than traditional methods such as mammography. Thermal images are more sensitive to changes in blood flow, which can be a sign of early-stage cancer.

Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements

The regulatory and compliance status of Niramai is contingent upon the healthcare regulations and requirements specific to the regions in which it operates. Depending on the jurisdiction, obtaining necessary approvals, such as FDA clearance in the United States, could be an integral part of ensuring their solution meets established safety and efficacy standards. Niramai’s commitment to regulatory compliance is pivotal in aligning with healthcare regulations and demonstrating the trustworthiness of its breast cancer detection solution.

Partnerships and collaborations

Niramai’s partnerships with leading healthcare providers and insurers in India are a testament to the value of its solution. Apollo Hospitals, Cloudnine Hospitals, and Bajaj Allianz General Insurance are all well-respected organizations in the Indian healthcare industry.

Customer testimonials or case studies

“Thermography can detect breast cancer in ways that are non-invasive, non-ionizing and non-traumatizing. In addition to detecting tumor growth earlier, this innovation can bring breast cancer screening to the doorsteps of women all over the world. I am happy to partner with Niramai on this journey.”

Dr. H V Ram Prakash

Senior Radiologist and Expert Thermographer

“I congratulate Team Niramai for developing an innovative thermal analytics based Breast Cancer Solution for early stage breast cancer detection. This Non-Invasive Risk Assessment with Machine Intelligence, cancer screening solution is relevant for women of all ages and poses minimal health hazard since it is contact and radiation free. I believe Niramai will enable easy adoption for early cancer screening and will play a key role in improving outcomes in our ongoing battle against breast cancer. I am delighted to support this initiative.”

Dr. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Chairperson & Managing Director, Biocon Limited

Areas for continuous improvement

While Niramai has made significant progress in developing and commercializing its AI-powered breast cancer detection solution, there are still a number of areas where the company can improve:

  • Expand access to its solution: Niramai’s solution is currently only available in India and a few other countries. The company could expand its reach by partnering with healthcare providers and insurers in more countries. Niramai could also focus on making its solution more affordable and accessible to low- and middle-income countries.
  • Improve the accuracy and sensitivity of its solution: The company could continue to improve its performance by training its AI models on larger and more diverse datasets. Niramai could also develop new AI algorithms that are specifically designed to detect breast cancer in different populations, such as women with dense breasts or women from different ethnic backgrounds.
  • Develop new features and functionality: In addition to breast cancer detection, Niramai could develop new features and functionality for its solution, such as risk assessment, treatment planning, and patient monitoring. This would make Niramai’s solution a more comprehensive platform for breast cancer management.
  • Conduct more clinical trials: Niramai has already conducted a number of clinical trials to demonstrate the accuracy and efficacy of its solution. However, the company could conduct more clinical trials to generate additional evidence of its solution’s benefits. This would help to build confidence among healthcare providers and insurers, and it could also lead to reimbursement coverage for Niramai’s solution.
  • Increase awareness of its solution: Niramai could increase awareness of its solution among patients, healthcare providers, and insurers by launching educational campaigns and partnering with advocacy groups. The company could also focus on developing marketing and sales materials that are tailored to different audiences.











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