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Bringing a resonance of hope as hearScope answers to a world of silence

Conceptual art copyrighted to HiEquity.ai

The HearX Group, established in 2015 by De Wet Swanepoel, Herman Myburgh, and Nic Klopper, is a leading force in the global fight against hearing loss, a significant and escalating health challenge. With its roots in Pretoria, South Africa, HearX Group was born out of a shared vision to bridge crucial gaps in hearing healthcare.

This initiative is especially critical in light of World Health Organization (WHO) projections indicating that by 2050, nearly 2.5 billion individuals will experience some form of hearing loss, with at least 700 million requiring rehabilitation services. The unaddressed aspects of hearing loss present a substantial economic burden, costing the global economy around USD 980 billion annually. These costs span health sector expenses, educational support, lost productivity, and broader societal impacts.

Pain point addressed

The hearX Group specifically addresses the challenge of accessible and affordable ear-health diagnosis in under-resourced regions. Their key product, hearScope, is a digital otoscope designed for use with a smartphone app, making it an ideal solution for primary ear care, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

Focusing on the initial stage of the healthcare value chain, hearScope is pivotal for primary healthcare providers, including general practitioners and nurses, enabling them to conduct preliminary ear examinations. This tool is particularly beneficial for patients in remote or underserved areas, healthcare systems in emerging economies, and educational institutions for regular screenings.

Key stakeholders impacted by hearX Group’s solution include patients lacking access to specialized ear care, healthcare providers in primary care settings, specialized audiologists and ENT specialists, and healthcare systems in developing regions. By filling this critical gap in the healthcare sector, hearX Group not only improves individual health outcomes but also aims to reduce the broader economic and social impact of untreated hearing loss.

Type of solution

The solution provided by hearX Group, particularly through their hearScope product, is a hybrid of hardware and software. The hardware component consists of a digital video otoscope, which is designed to capture high-quality images and videos of the eardrum and ear canal. This physical device attaches to a smartphone or desktop.

Complementing the hardware is the software aspect, which includes a free app that runs on the connected smartphone or desktop. The app utilizes artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning algorithms, for AI image classification. This feature assists healthcare providers in formulating diagnoses based on the images captured by the otoscope.

Thus, hearX Group’s hearScope represents a blend of both hardware (the digital otoscope) and software (the AI-powered app), making it a comprehensive hybrid solution in the field of ear-health diagnostics.

Type of input data leveraged

  • Image data: High-resolution images of the eardrum and ear canal.
  • Video data: Dynamic videos offering detailed views of the ear canal and eardrum.
  • AI image classification data: Utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze images and videos, classifying them into different ear disease categories.
  • User input data: Information input by healthcare professionals, including patient symptoms and history, is used alongside visual data for comprehensive diagnoses.
Source: https://www.hearxgroup.com/

Key technology involved

  • Machine learning/deep learning in image classification: The hearScope software incorporates ML and DL algorithms to analyze the high-quality images and videos captured by the digital otoscope. These algorithms are trained on extensive datasets of ear images, allowing them to accurately identify and categorize various ear conditions and diseases. The ability of the AI to correctly categorize ear disease categories based on visual data not only aids healthcare providers in making informed decisions but also enhances the overall efficiency of the diagnostic process. The integration of ML and DL in hearScope represents a significant advancement in otological diagnostics. By automating the classification process, the technology reduces the reliance on specialized audiologists, particularly in regions where such expertise is scarce. It also speeds up the diagnostic process, allowing for quicker patient turnaround and the potential for early intervention.

Key applications of solution

  • Diagnostic assistance

This technology holds the potential to revolutionize the early detection and management of various ear conditions, ultimately improving patient outcomes. For example, conditions such as otitis media (middle ear infection), otitis externa (swimmer’s ear), and tympanic membrane perforation are among the many ear diseases that can be accurately identified by hearScope’s AI. Early detection of these conditions allows for timely intervention, preventing them from progressing into more severe forms that could lead to hearing impairment or other complications. This capability is especially critical in regions where access to specialized audiological services is limited, as it empowers healthcare providers to offer effective care and guidance promptly. By combining AI image classification with early detection capabilities, hearScope not only aids in the timely treatment of common ear diseases but also plays a vital role in preventive healthcare, contributing to better ear health outcomes for individuals globally.

  • Treatment planning

With a precise diagnosis in hand, healthcare providers can craft individualized treatment plans. For instance, if a patient is diagnosed with otitis media, the treatment plan may include specific medications and follow-up appointments tailored to their condition. HearScope facilitates ongoing treatment monitoring. After initiating treatment, healthcare providers can use the technology to track the progress of the patient’s ear health over time. If treatment isn’t progressing as expected, hearScope alerts healthcare providers to consider adjustments. For example, if an ear infection persists despite medication, the provider can reassess the treatment plan and explore alternative options.

  • Patient monitoring:

Healthcare providers can remotely monitor their patients’ ear health, a valuable feature of telemedicine. Patients can capture images or videos of their ears using hearScope and share them with their providers. This capability is especially valuable for follow-up appointments, allowing for ongoing assessment without the need for in-person visits. HearScope encourages patients to actively participate in their ear health management. The easy-to-understand visual data and assessments empower patients to take charge of their health. They can visualize changes over time, fostering a sense of involvement and responsibility for their well-being.

Implications for key stakeholders


  • Improved access to ear-health diagnoses: Patients benefit from HearScope through improved access to ear-health diagnoses. They can use the device for self-assessment or undergo examinations by healthcare providers using the technology. This accessibility is especially significant for individuals in remote or underserved areas who may have limited access to specialized ear health services. HearScope empowers patients by providing a user-friendly tool for early detection and monitoring of ear conditions, ensuring timely interventions when needed.

Healthcare providers

  • Assists in formulating accurate diagnoses: For healthcare providers, HearScope is a valuable tool that assists in formulating accurate diagnoses. Its AI image classification enhances diagnostic accuracy, aiding healthcare professionals in identifying various ear conditions swiftly and reliably. By streamlining the diagnostic process, HearScope allows healthcare providers to make informed treatment decisions and recommendations, leading to improved patient care outcomes. It also serves as a valuable educational tool, helping healthcare professionals educate patients about their ear health.

Insurers and regulatory bodies:

  • It’s worth noting that innovative healthcare technologies like HearScope can have broader implications for insurers and regulatory bodies in terms of cost-effectiveness, policy considerations, and ensuring compliance with relevant healthcare regulations.

Current impact

  • A standout feature of hearScope is its AI image classification capability. This innovation represents a paradigm shift in ear-health diagnosis. By leveraging AI to accurately identify common ear diseases, hearScope empowers healthcare providers to make informed decisions swiftly. This technology not only enhances diagnostic accuracy but also significantly expedites the diagnostic process. HearX Group has made a remarkable impact by extending its reach to over 85 countries worldwide. HearX Group’s HearScope incorporates cutting-edge AI image classification technology that boasts an impressive accuracy rate of 94%.

Potential future impact

  • The potential impact of hearScope is even more promising. As the technology continues to evolve and its adoption grows, its contribution to ear health management and preventive care is expected to increase. This includes the possibility of early detection of a wider range of ear conditions and expanded use in telemedicine applications.

Business model

HearX Group employs a multifaceted business model that combines both B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) approaches. This hybrid model maximizes the reach and impact of their hearScope technology.

Advantages of the business model

  • The B2B model allows for the seamless integration of HearScope into clinical workflows. Healthcare providers, such as ENT specialists and primary care physicians, can incorporate HearScope as a diagnostic tool, enhancing their ability to make accurate assessments and treatment decisions.
  • By partnering with healthcare institutions, HearScope benefits from the expertise of trained medical professionals. This ensures that the device is used to its fullest potential, optimizing its diagnostic accuracy and clinical impact.
  • The direct-to-consumer approach empowers individuals to take control of their ear health. Consumers can proactively monitor their own ear health and seek professional guidance when needed, reducing the reliance on healthcare visits for minor concerns.
  • HearScope’s availability to consumers offers unmatched convenience. It eliminates the need for scheduling appointments and travel, allowing users to perform ear examinations in the comfort of their homes, at their convenience.
  • Consumers using HearScope receive immediate visual feedback on their ear health. This real-time information encourages timely action and fosters a sense of engagement in their health management.

Funding and key investors

HearX Group’s remarkable journey in securing funding underscores its commitment to advancing ear health solutions. The company has successfully raised a total of $19.8 million in funding across nine rounds, showcasing the strong support and confidence it has garnered from investors.

Notably, hearX Group’s latest funding achievement came on February 2, 2021, when it closed a significant series A round. The investors of HearX Group include Sphere Capital Holdings, HAVAÍC, Futuregrowth Asset Management, Amrish Narrandes, Ayanda Bolani, and Bose Ventures.

Competitive differentiator

  • AI Image classification expertise: HearScope’s AI image classification capability isn’t just about diagnosing ear diseases; it’s about the depth of expertise behind it. hearX Group has fine-tuned its algorithms with extensive data, making it exceptionally accurate in identifying even subtle ear conditions that might be missed by other systems.
  • Telemedicine integration: In an era where telemedicine is gaining prominence, HearScope seamlessly integrates into telehealth platforms. This integration enables remote consultations, making ear health assessments more convenient for patients and efficient for healthcare providers.

Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements

A solution like HearScope would necessitate continuous upkeep and maintenance of compliance status with various regulatory bodies and standards, such as those related to medical devices and healthcare technology. Ensuring compliance with these requirements is essential for the safe and effective use of such a solution.

Partnerships and collaborations

  • HearX Group has established knowledge partnerships to collaborate with experts and institutions in the field of audiology and ear health.
  • The company has formed market access partnerships to expand the availability and distribution of HearScope to reach a broader audience.
  • HearX Group has partnered with telemedicine platforms to seamlessly integrate HearScope into remote healthcare consultations.


“I’m so in love with the new hearScope software update which brings new features such as an image classification system and a diagnostic intelligence system. I am now able to capture high resolution images of a variety of abnormalities/pathologies and send images to other experts for clinical opinion and also assist with relaying findings to the patient. This new feature is a communication enhancement.”SAKHILE NKOSI- Audiologist

“Patients can be screened in-store, as well as interact with their ear examination, with a product like hearScope.”MRS TALLY SHERBAN- Audiologist and Practice owner

Areas for continuous improvement

An area for continuous improvement for hearScope could be:

  • Enhanced AI algorithm accuracy: Continuous refinement of the algorithms could further reduce the margin of error and improve their ability to detect rare or complex ear conditions. Improving the accuracy of AI diagnosis could lead to even more precise early detection of ear diseases, enhancing patient outcomes and healthcare provider confidence in the system. This ongoing refinement could involve collecting and incorporating diverse data sources to train the AI model and adapt to emerging trends in ear health diagnostics.



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Hiequity Team

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