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Are we close to predicting heart disease? Activate Health’s AI says yes


Cardiometabolic disease refers to a collection of interrelated risk factors that increase an individual’s chances of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These factors include high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar levels, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels. The confluence of these conditions, often stemming from a combination of genetic predisposition and lifestyle choices, poses a significant public health challenge, given its rising prevalence and the serious health consequences it entails.

Founded in 2020 by Siim Saare, Activate Health is a startup headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia, that aims to tackle the global challenge of metabolic syndrome, a health condition that affects 33% of adults and significantly raises the risk of heart disease, through the strategic use of technology to enhance health outcomes.

Pain point addressed

Activate Health was established to confront a critical global health issue: metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is emblematic of modern lifestyle diseases that are prevalent and increasing, posing a massive burden on individuals, healthcare systems, and economies worldwide.

The challenge is multifaceted, it’s not only about detecting or managing a single ailment but rather a spectrum of interrelated risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance. These factors often go undetected until they culminate in more serious cardiovascular events. Moreover, the asymptomatic nature of these conditions in the early stages makes it difficult for individuals to recognize the urgency of intervention, leading to delayed treatment and increased complications.

Type of solution

Activate Health’s platform is engineered with advanced AI algorithms that perform complex data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive risk assessments traditionally requiring cognitive human intelligence. The sophisticated AI models are adept at deciphering vast arrays of health data to unveil emergent patterns indicative of cardiometabolic risk. Activate Health’s platform specifically predicts the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Type of input data

Activate Health’s platform likely requires a range of input data to effectively utilize its AI algorithms for predictive analytics. This data could include:

  • Biometric data: gathered from wearables and medical devices, including heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, and other vital signs.
  • Genetic information: possibly sourced from collaborations with biobanks, providing insights into predispositions for certain health conditions.
  • Medical history: past medical records, treatments, and outcomes, which are crucial for personalized healthcare recommendations.
  • Lifestyle information: data on physical activity, diet, sleep patterns, and more, collected via user inputs or devices, to inform lifestyle-related health risks.
  • Laboratory results: blood tests and other diagnostic results that provide a snapshot of a user’s current health status.

Key technology involved

Activate Health primarily uses artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning and predictive analytics, to develop its digital therapeutic platform. These technologies allow for the analysis of health data, the identification of patterns, and the prediction of health risks, particularly for cardiometabolic diseases.

Key applications of solution

Activate Health’s solution is primarily applied to predict and manage the risk of cardiometabolic diseases. The key applications include:

  • Diagnostic assistance: using data to identify early signs of metabolic syndrome and related conditions. The platform uses machine learning to analyze various health indicators, flagging abnormalities that could suggest early stages of metabolic syndrome or other cardiometabolic conditions. For example, the platform might analyze data from an EKG alongside blood test results to identify early signs of heart disease.
  • Treatment planning: personalizing healthcare plans based on predictive risk assessments by integrating a patient’s medical history, genetic data, and current health metrics, the software can help healthcare providers devise personalized treatment strategies. For a patient with diabetes, the software could assess glucose readings, diet, and exercise data to personalize an insulin therapy plan.
  • Patient monitoring: continuously tracking health markers to adjust care plans as needed. The platform can continuously monitor a patient’s biometric data through connected devices. It can detect significant deviations in health metrics, prompting timely medical interventions. For chronic disease management like hypertension, the system could continuously track blood pressure readings from a smartwatch, adjusting medication dosages as needed.
Source: https://apps.apple.com/ee/app/activate-health/id1533530757

Key implications for stakeholders

  • Patients: improved personalized care, interactive health management through gamification, and empowered decision-making due to real-time health insights.
  • Healthcare providers: streamlined workflows, enhanced clinical decision-making with AI insights, and improved patient adherence to treatments
  • Insurers: lower healthcare costs from preventative care, refine risk models for better premium pricing, and develop data-informed products.
  • Regulatory bodies: need for updated digital health policies, increased oversight of AI and data privacy compliance, and stringent data governance requirements.

Current impact

  • Activate Health is at an early stage, but it is looking to monitor and measure metabolic health to help empower patients to better look after their health. The startup is a data-first digital clinic that combines evidence-based virtual weight loss treatment with personalized care plans by using medication, coaching, and digital tools. It is validating its approach using real-world data in clinical trials

Potential future impact

  • Aiming to decrease the incidence of heart disease through proactive health management and personalized care interventions.
  • Aspire to refine the management of cardiometabolic diseases using sophisticated AI and predictive analytics.
  • Envisions improving patient outcomes and compliance with treatment through engaging gamification strategies and continuous health monitoring

Business model

Activate Health operates on a Business-to-Business (B2B) basis, which entails selling or licensing its sophisticated platform to entities such as healthcare providers, insurers, and other related businesses. This approach is conducive to establishing stable partnerships and integrating deeply within the healthcare ecosystem.

Advantages of the business model

  • Recurring revenue: A subscription-based model ensures a steady revenue stream, which is beneficial for long-term financial planning and sustainability. Activate Health offers a monthly subscription for 9.99 EUR, with an annual option at 95.88 EUR, providing a cost-saving incentive for long-term commitment to their health platform.
  • Data collection: A B2B SaaS model would provide continuous data from various sources, enhancing the AI’s learning and the platform’s overall value.
  • Up-to-date solutions: Subscriptions often include updates and improvements, ensuring that healthcare providers always have access to the latest technologies.
  • Customization and integration: The service can be tailored to the specific needs of healthcare providers and easily integrated into their existing systems.

Funding and key investors

Activate Health has secured funding that indicates confidence from investors in its vision and technology. The company raised EUR 1.5 million to support its mission.

  • On July 26, 2023, Activate Health, an innovative player in the digital healthcare sector, reached a new milestone in its mission to revolutionize the management of cardiometabolic diseases. The company secured a valuable infusion of non-equity assistance from MassChallenge, a renowned global innovation accelerator.
  • A notable investor in this endeavor is the Oxford University NHS Trust, which suggests that the company’s vision aligns with the interests of established healthcare institutions. Additionally, the support from such a reputable organization could signal confidence in Activate Health’s potential to innovate within the healthcare sector.
  • Activate Health received a substantial grant of EUR 1 million from the Enterprise Estonia Applied Research Programme. This level of support from a national initiative underscores the significance of Activate Health’s work and its alignment with public health objectives. It also reflects the startup’s strategic importance to Estonia’s innovation landscape, particularly in health technology.

Competitive differentiator

Activate Health distinguishes itself in the digital therapeutics field by specifically targeting cardiometabolic diseases, which is a sector where there is a high need yet often insufficient solutions. They are bolstered by a €1 million grant from Enterprise Estonia, signifying governmental trust and support. Additionally, investment from the Oxford University NHS Trust provides them with valuable healthcare sector connections and credibility, enhancing their market position.

Relevant regulatory and compliance requirements

  • Data protection: In dealing with personal health data, compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is essential. This could require Activate Health to ensure data privacy, obtain appropriate consent, and implement robust security measures to protect user data.
  • Clinical validity: Any health-related software could have to prove its clinical validity and could require clinical trials or peer-reviewed studies to support its claims.
  • Interoperability standards: Compliance with health data standards, such as HL7 or FHIR, could be important for seamless integration with existing healthcare systems.
  • Certifications: Achieving certifications like ISO for quality management and information security management could also be part of the regulatory and compliance framework.

Partnerships and collaborations

  1. Research institutions: They are working closely with the Estonian Biobank, the Estonian Genome Centre, and the University of Tartu. These collaborations with leading research entities are likely to be instrumental in developing their health risk prediction model and decision support system, tapping into a wealth of scientific knowledge and research capabilities.
  2. Medical laboratories: Collaboration with SYNLAB, a provider of medical diagnostic services, suggests an integration of laboratory data and diagnostic capabilities into their platform, enhancing the accuracy and utility of their health assessments.
  3. Funding agencies: The €1 million grant from the Enterprise Estonia Applied Research Programme indicates a partnership that extends beyond funding, potentially involving shared goals in innovation and public health enhancement.

Testimonials and Case Study

  • Activate is like a digital coach that brings you daily tips and reminders on how to upgrade your physical and mental performance.”Martin - Startup Founder
  • I love the idea of introducing small daily hacks to the way I move, eat, sleep, and think, which add up and create a real shift in wellbeing.”Liisa - Project manager

Areas for continuous improvement

  • User experience optimization: Continuously iterating the user interface and experience based on user feedback could lead to higher engagement and satisfaction, fostering better health outcomes.
  • Broader wearable integration: Increasing compatibility with a wider array of wearables and IoT devices could capture a more comprehensive set of health metrics, thus enriching patient monitoring and data analysis capabilities.
  • Patient education initiatives: Implementing educational programs around cardiometabolic health could empower users and enhance the preventive aspect of the platform.





Disclaimer: Please note that the opinions, content, and analysis in my posts are entirely my own and do not reflect the views of any current or past employers or institutional affiliations. These posts, based solely on publicly available information, are for informational purposes and should not be taken as professional advice. All insights and conclusions are my viewpoints and should not be considered representative of any organizations I am or have been associated with. This content is not endorsed by, nor does it represent the stance of any affiliated entity.


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